Claimed Expenses Screen

Use the Claimed Expenses section of the Expense Report form to claim expenses for reimbursement.

To display the Claimed Expenses section of an open Expense Report, click the Claimed Expense bar or click the plus sign (+) at the end of the bar to expand it.

You can add, edit, or delete the following types of expenses:

  • Car rental
  • Entertainment
  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Mileage
  • Other
  • Transportation


Screen Buttons

Field Description

To add expense detail, click Add and from the pop-up menu, select the expense category and expense type you want to add.


Select the check box next to the expense detail you want to edit, and click Edit. From the pop-up menu, select the expense category and expense type you want to add.


Select the check box next the expense detail you want to delete, and click Delete.

Note: This button does not display if you are allowed to correct processed expense reports, but are not allowed to enter corrections that would change the Expense Incurred amount.

After you add an expense, it displays in the table on the Claimed Expenses screen. You can change the layout of the table using the Layout drop-down menu.

This drop-down menu enables you to change the layout of columns in the Claimed Expenses table.

Select one of the following from the Layout drop-down menu:

  • Category Columns
  • Date Columns
  • Standard

    For more information, see Expense Report Table Views.

Claimed Expenses Table

After you add an expense to Claimed Expenses, the details for that expense display on the Claimed Expenses screen. Expenses are displayed in the order in which they were entered. The fields in the table are read-only.

Not all of the columns described below display in each table view option. Exceptions are noted. The order of the columns also varies by table view.

Field Description

This column displays the expense category (for example, Transportation) that was selected when added or edited the expense.

Note: If you selected the Category Column layout option, there is a separate column heading for each expense category included in the expense report.
Field Description

This column displays the type of expense for the selected category. For example, if the category is Transportation, Train would be a possible expense type.


This column displays the location where the expense was incurred. The information is derived from the Details tab when you add or edit lodging or meals expenses.

This column only displays in the Standard layout.


This column displays the date of the expense. It derives from the Expense Date field on the Details tab, which was completed when you added or edited the expense.

If you selected the Date layout option, there is a separate column heading for each date included in the expense report.


This column displays the expense description (for example, Airfare or Hotel). It derives from the Short Description field on the Details tab, which was completed when you added or edited the expense

This column only displays in the Standard layout.

Amount (xxx)

This column displays the amount of the expense. It derives from the Reimbursable Expense field on the Amount tab, which was calculated when you added or edited the expense.

This column only displays in the Standard layout.

Claimed Expense(s) Screen Fields

The following fields display below the table on the Claimed Expense(s) screen.

Field Description
Company Paid

This field displays the total amount of all expenses that are paid for by the company. This amount is not reimbursed to the employee.


This field displays the total amount of all cash advances that were applied to this expense report. This amount is not reimbursed to the employee.


This field displays the total amount of all expenses that were listed as "Personal" on the expense report. This amount is not reimbursed to the employee.


This field displays the total amount of all expenses that will not be reimbursed to the employee.

Payments Received

This field displays the total amount of any payments that have been made against this expense report.

Deltek Expense subtracts this amount from the Due Employee field to obtain the remaining reimbursement amount.

Due Employee

This field displays the net amount that the employee will be reimbursed.

Deltek Expense calculates this value by subtracting the following values from the total amount: the company paid amount, any advances, the personal amount, the non-reimbursable amount, and any payments that have been made.